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Infection control and Covid-19 safety policy


Sunnydale Physiotherapy is operating infection control measure in accordance with PHE guidelines (


Summary of measures being implemented by the clinic to meet the guidelines:




Hand hygiene

  • Patients will be asked to decontaminate hands before entering the garden gate and before entering the clinic room.

  • Patients will be asked to decontaminate hands on leaving the clinic room and on exiting the garden.

  • Your therapist will decontaminate hands before donning single use PPE before assessing or treating a patient face to face

  • Your therapist will dispose of single use gloves and apron and decontaminate hands after patient contact

  • Hand washing facilities will be available with appropriate soap in the clinic room


Cleaning (using clinell wipes and anti viral spray):

  • Chairs, table, treatment couch and door handles will be cleaned in between each patient

  • Other clinic surfaces will be cleaned twice daily

  • A deep clean will be performed of the clinic room weekly


Waste disposal

  • All PPE will be double bagged and left for 72 hours before disposal in regular household waste



  • Pillow cases will be changed between patients

  • No other linen will be used

  • Single use couch roll will be used to cover the treatment couch and disposed of after use.


Further measures to reduce risk of virus transmission

  • Where possible to the clinic door and window will be kept open to increase ventilation to the treatment area

  • Subjective assessments will be conducted at >2m distance between clinician and patient

  • All patients coming to the clinic will be telephone screened the day before or morning of their appointment to screen for Covid-19 symptoms to reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to other people.

  • Patients will be asked to attend their appointment alone unless prior arrangement with the therapist for a chaperone/translator has been agreed.

  • Appointments will be spaced out with at least 15 minutes in between each appointment to avoid patient to patient contact.

  • Patients will be asked to attend at the time of their appointment to avoid waiting in a on clinic area and reduce the risk of patient to patient contact.

  • Patient temperatures will be taken on arrival at the clinic

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